Clemson University CECAST - Graduate Life in the College of Engineering, Computing & Applied Sciences
Welcome to CECAST! In this podcast, listen to a wide range of discussions hosted by graduate students from the College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences (CECAS) at Clemson University. Get inspired with stories about a day in the life of graduate school, personal and professional development, and the beauty and tribulations of research. Join us in exploring the experiences, challenges, and successes of a diverse population of present and past graduate students.
Clemson University CECAST - Graduate Life in the College of Engineering, Computing & Applied Sciences
A Glimpse Into Toastmasters
Graduate Students
Season 2
Episode 1
Welcome Back! We are excited to upload more conversations to share with you all this semester! On this episode, we talk about Toastmasters, an educational organization that promotes communication, public speaking, and leadership. We also talk about how these skills can be applicable to the future and not just graduate school.