Clemson University CECAST - Graduate Life in the College of Engineering, Computing & Applied Sciences
Welcome to CECAST! In this podcast, listen to a wide range of discussions hosted by graduate students from the College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences (CECAS) at Clemson University. Get inspired with stories about a day in the life of graduate school, personal and professional development, and the beauty and tribulations of research. Join us in exploring the experiences, challenges, and successes of a diverse population of present and past graduate students.
Clemson University CECAST - Graduate Life in the College of Engineering, Computing & Applied Sciences
Establishing a Good Work-Life Balance
Graduate Students
Season 1
Episode 4
Welcome back everyone! This episode covers a topic relatable to everyone, establishing a good work-life balance and how to keep it! Three grad students discuss what to avoid and what to do in order to make sure you are looking out for yourself too! Its all about a balance.